Questions for Christmas

Questions abound at Christmas, in every age and culture. Remember when the only questions that mattered to an innocent wide-eyed child were the gifts under your tree, or in your stocking, or shoe, or whatever your tradition is where you live? Do you remember being one of the impatient little ones squirming in your seat, anxiously waiting to hear which part you get to play in the Christmas pageant? The questions about Christmas were short, to the point, and mostly centered on what's in it for me? As we grew older, the Christmas story became so familiar, we just expected it to be just like last year. Nothing changes, everyone sits at the same place around the table. The smallest members of the family were served first, to quell their rumbly tummies, and to keep them from peeking under the tree quite so soon. Dishes were always washed before opening gifts, so the mess wasn't staring us in the face next morning. The Grandmas and Grandpas get to open their prese...