In The Zone

Springtime is here again in the Midwest. This will be the fourth year we spend April 24th not celebrating Nathanael's birthday. It used to be my favorite time of year. I was as excited as the children when we hid Easter eggs. The end of another harsh winter, bringing the promise of better days to come. Spring brings new life, green grass, flowers and trees blooming once more. That is, what's left of the trees after heavy snows and high winds we've had this year. We have a lot of work to do fixing and repairing all the damaged and worn out pieces of, well everything! And construction zones. Ugh. (I really should dig out my older blog posts about my "favorite aggravation of summers" to share more on the issue!) Yes, it is still the bright hope of the seasons as Easter rolls around this time of year. Yes, cute little fuzzy baby chicks and bunnies romping around the yard make even the coldest hearts melt a wee bit...