It's Just Dirt

But it was just dirt! How many times as a parent, have we yelled at our little ones - "Stay off the floor, I just mopped!" And how many times has the logical child retorted back - "It's just dirt, mom." We live in a sterile environment nowadays, and dirt is the last thing we want to see anywhere, on any surface. We spend so much time, dollars, and energy, ridding our lives of dirt. Filth. Germs. Crumbs. Sticky little hands. And yet it always comes back. Remember when you were little, and perhaps made "mudpies"? Or built a sandcastle? Or even just splashed in the mud puddles for fun? I'm not asking you to go out and wriggle your toes in the slimy green cesspool, but hear me out… dirt isn't so bad. Come to think of it, dirt is pretty special in God's eyes. Where do you come from, after all? (see Genesis 2:7 if you need a little help here) Jesus, himself, uses dirt in a few of His miracles, too! Remember how He stooped to the ground a...