Candles Tell a Story

When you lose a loved one, there are no words to describe the many facets of what you are going through, and how that impacts the rest of your life. After the initial days of loss so much of what you do only happens by routine, totally unaware of anything surrounding you except the gaping hole left staring you in the face. The shock has settled deeper in your soul and you may remember to drink if you are thirsty, you may try to peck at the food placed before you, and you may crawl into bed because you must get up again tomorrow. You try to resume a semblance of life. How it affects you may be so different than other members of your family, or anyone you know who has been where you are now. Fresh grief is like a candle, or a flower. The way we react, respond, and who we become has so many variables. Some seem to find their way quickly into a different sort of who they used to be. Others may have numerous reasons for not being able to pick up the pieces as gallantly....