It's In The Letter

How often we hear the line - It must have gotten lost in the mail...

At times it seems like a joke - Yah, right. You wouldn't have sent it at all if I didn't call you again to ask for it; As we hang up the phone, seething with anger at the offense. (or is that just me?)

But then there are times when the postal carrier brings such delightful news from that loved one so far away. Brightening our day so, filling our hearts with joy to know that they are safe and well, and very soon they will be home again.

These days, the post office doesn't get used as often with e-mails, texting, face timing, and so many other ways to communicate with the world around us. Yet speech is what sets us apart from the animal kingdom. I have yet to see a baboon create a lovely poem.

When I mention the phrase lovely poem, I am sure several of my readers can recall a line or two from their favorite author.

The words we use each day have a great impact on what we become. Just saying the words of hatred, neglect, and abuse, you can almost feel the deflation of your thought life.

Many may never identify with the two extremes of thought I just passed across the screen here, but understanding the concept is key. Everything we do and say, is a letter to the world. What kind of letter are you sending to those around you today?

Every day brings a ship
Every ship brings a word
Well for those who have no fear,
Looking seaward well assured
That the word the vessel brings
Is the word they wish to hear

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stories to lighten your heart
written by: Sue Leerhoff   
Brick by Brick


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