The Emmaus Road

Another day had begun. The weekend crowd had gone home. Most shops were open once again. The regular travelers were silently going about their daily business as if the Greatest Miracle Of All Time wasn't even noticed. But some were not so quick to forget. They were there that horrible day. They watched in horror as Jesus suffered alongside two known criminals. They winced at the Preacher's cries on the cross. These two men felt the turmoil in protesters jeering and spitting at the Innocent Man, Who in turn only prayed for Abba's forgiveness upon the masses. It all seemed so senseless, so much injustice had been wrought on that dark day. The Preacher Man Jesus was innocent of every claim the public declared of Him. He had done so much good in the short time he had been traveling as He brought health and restoration to lives every place He could. Every heart He touched was better off for knowing Him. Anyone who talked about J...