The Emmaus Road

Another day had begun. 
The weekend crowd had gone home. 
Most shops were open once again. 
The regular travelers were silently going about their daily business as if the Greatest Miracle Of All Time wasn't even noticed.

But some were not so quick to forget. 
They were there that horrible day.
They watched in horror as Jesus suffered alongside two known criminals. 
They winced at the Preacher's cries on the cross. 
These two men felt the turmoil in protesters jeering and spitting at the Innocent Man, 
Who in turn only prayed for Abba's forgiveness upon the masses. 

It all seemed so senseless, so much injustice had been wrought on that dark day.

The Preacher Man Jesus was innocent of every claim the public declared of Him. 
He had done so much good in the short time he had been traveling as He brought health and restoration to lives every place He could. 
Every heart He touched was better off for knowing Him. Anyone who talked about Jesus, couldn't help but smile when they recalled what had changed because of this Man!

And then it was all over.

They saw their friend Jesus bid farewell to His mother, heaving a final pain-riddled sigh, and left His followers with nothing but questions.

Downcast and disheartened, Cleopas and his friend left the execution sight, only faintly hearing the rich man offer to bury the homeless Preacher in his own tomb.

These were the things the two men were discussing as they walked the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. 

Emotions were high. 
The events they had seen were heavy, but now there seemed to be more to the story, weighing on their hearts as impossible information that couldn't be explained. 

The path was dusty. 
They walked with their heads down, to keep their eyes free of wafting debris, and to avoid being seen as vulnerable with tears glistening in their eyes. They didn't really pay much attention to the stranger that approached them,  only politely invited him to join as social obligation required. But he asked the oddest question, as if he came from an unknown part of the world.

Soon, the conversation became exhilarating as the stranger waxed eloquent on the Prophets of old, brilliantly weaving a tapestry of prophecies and fulfillment of many that they had memorized since childhood.
But what did it all mean? 
How did this have anything to do with the death of the Prophet everyone loved so much?

They wanted to know more. They craved for more stories from this unknown traveler. He seemed to scratch an itch that was so prevalent in their lives today, of all days.
So they invited him to come have a meal with them, even though he seemed to be in a hurry. They scrambled to come up with a compelling reason for him to join them. He accepted and they continued on to the marketplace, picking up bread and wine for the meal ahead.

Only as the bread was broken, and the stranger gave thanks to His Father, did Cleopas and his friend realize just exactly Who they had invited for dinner!

"You mean.....?"


"It IS YOU!!!!"
" You've been here with us, all along?!?"

...Jumping for utter joy ensues...
More smiles and hugging all around...
"PEACE Be with you!" Is the last thing the boys remember from that day. 

But many lessons were learned on the dusty road of Emmaus and were never forgotten.  
Stories passed down for generations of the day the boys walked with a Stranger who conquered death and hell and rose from a dark, sealed tomb. The Savior of the world became their closest friend. The Preacher Man from Galilee, sharing life and liberty to all who trust in His name. The Living Word explained the written Word of God.
The Carpenter with nail-scarred hands 
took the punishment He didn't deserve, 
to pay a debt He did not owe, because of His love for you and for me, He stood in our place.

This is the story we need to remember and tell generations to come, of the Miracle on the cross. He didn't have to stay there. He could have abandoned us alone and rejected,  forever doomed to hell. He could have just disappeared, thinking it's not worth getting hurt. He could have had all the angels in heaven at His call. 
But He chose to die, to save us Once And For All.
He took our place, to bury our sins, far away.
Then He left our sins in the grave, when He walked out!

Every time you feel alone, disheartened by life's events that drag us down and try to knock us out...just remember the road to Emmaus. The long dusty path where we can meet Jesus,  to help us understand what we have seen and heard. To trust that His Word will all make sense someday. 
Until then, repeat the stories that brighten your path to light the way for other weary travelers. 

My story adapted from the book of Luke 24:13-45. 
If you were following along, you may notice a similarity in the death of Jesus and how it feels to lose a family  member, when life held so much promise. The path is long, hard, and different for everyone,  but the road to healing only points to the Resurrection of Jesus.
 In Him, we have hope. 
Hold on to that Hope and never let go.

"Peace be with you all"  - Luke 24:36

Written by: Sue Leerhoff on the road to Emmaus,  a miracle @BrickbyBrick 


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