A Summer Tale (Tail?) ...Whatever!

Like the Sesame Street game sings - "One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just isn't the same." *Broken Dryers, Barns, and Basements* Let me tell you a story... I haven't had a working dryer all summer, It's not that we haven't tried to fix it. Whenever we were going to get our dryer fixed, either something else broke that needed to be fixed first, or other events kept us busy, and then my daughter moved. This has been a poor year to be drying clothes on the clothesline, since we have had non-stop rains almost every week. Non-stop rains equal flooded basements. At our house, it's not a "wipe everything downstream" flood. Just a "crack in the cement" pouring in kind of flood. That's what happens to old houses. Yes, it needs to be fixed. And we will get right on that. After etc., etc., etc. Priorities. So, here I am with a broken drye...