My October Cometh

I meant to post this in August -

When I saw that first leaf
make it's way to my feet.

 But I just couldn't.

As the months drift on by, the countdown keeps it's sullen ticking to a silent signal.

It's in the chill of the morning air.

It's in the shortening of daylight.

Like a distant coyote howling, it chills me to the bone. 
I can feel it coming. 

Even in the height of summer, when a leaf tumbles to the ground, my heart stops a little.
The deep sigh of resolution and sadness grips my being.

Perhaps, for you, it is the first day of school.
The children shopping with moms for new clothes and school supplies.
Or the end of the school season and graduation.
Or weddings, or grandbabies.

Yes, me too.

                                           I don't like this time of year anymore.

I planted one of the mums we received at our son's funeral.
For two years, it hasn't bloomed until after the beginning of October.
This year, it will be year number three.
It began to bloom in the middle of August.
Now in the middle of September, the three buds have fully opened and only one more flower has bloomed so far.

We have three beautiful children waiting for us in heaven.
I have only met one.

The more I try to find something to be thankful for, I can usually find it.

But that doesn't make it hurt any less.

No matter how much I dread October 3rd, it will still be another day on the calendar.
I can't stop time from marching on.
But I can count those days as one day closer to eternity. 
When my October cometh for me.
When all pain and sorrow will be wiped away.

                                                     Stories on my journey home
                                                       Written by: Sue Leerhoff
                                                                    Brick by Brick


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