Lights, Please

The beloved cartoon series "Peanuts" has an endearing Christmas special, that many have loved to watch and re-watch as a yearly tradition. When I was young, I simply enjoyed seeing a favorite comic strip come to life. As years passed, it became a a new tradition to share with our wee children. Looking back as a finely aged adult now, (no laughing) I appreciate the beautiful speech given by Linus as he puts the craziness of his friends' party/theatrical rendition into better perspective. His intro, "Lights, Please..." sets the stage for listeners to sit still and pay close attention. I have never been one to enjoy "all eyes on me". Known to most people as the shy one, I have changed considerably since youth. Some might even be amazed at the progress, but you can never truly change a leopard's spots. To reach clear outside of my comfort zone and be writing to you today is proof of that. My voice may be small, my answers might not look like much, b...