Lights, Please

  The beloved cartoon series "Peanuts" has an endearing Christmas special, that many have loved to watch and re-watch as a yearly tradition. When I was young, I simply enjoyed seeing a favorite comic strip come to life. As years passed, it became a a new tradition to share with our wee children. Looking back as a finely aged adult now, (no laughing) I appreciate the beautiful speech given by Linus as he puts the craziness of his friends' party/theatrical rendition into better perspective.

His intro, "Lights, Please..." sets the stage for listeners to sit still and pay close attention.

I have never been one to enjoy "all eyes on me". Known to most people as the shy one, I have changed considerably since youth. Some might even be amazed at the progress, but you can never truly change a leopard's spots. To reach clear outside of my comfort zone and be writing to you today is proof of that. 

My voice may be small, my answers might not look like much, but I can point you to the Light of the world and the Peace that passes all understanding. I can be a flashlight in your power outage, to reach the generator, until the lights are repaired. Lights, no matter how small, will always shine brighter in the dark.

So when it seems there is no escape, you are stumbling in the shadows of the past, and there is little to turn to for answers, just remember - your light too, can shine much brighter in the dark.

In an emergency, you need to have the flashlight handy, batteries fully charged and ready to load. Keep your Bible close at hand, load those verses into your memory bank, and remember where you put it last when you need it most.

 "That's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown." 

(from Linus on A Charlie Brown Christmas written by Charles M. Schultz)

Keeping that flashlight handy @Brick by Brick

written by Sue Leerhoff


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