Today and Every Day

Sometimes I am ok. Other days, I attempt making coffee in my CD player...

Just trying to counteract my fog-filled choices. That is a daily battle. 

You've probably heard of grief fog.
There is pain fog as well.
It gets really messy -

How to get anything done when I must save my energy 
to work around weather flares, 
be able to participate in social outings, 
and constantly regroup from yet another trigger? 

Just when I feel good enough 
to accomplish anything of considerable value,       
I cram my energies into that small window of time. 
Then pay-back begins, for every crime my body chose to commit against itself. The recovery is always longer than the event. 

"Oh, you wanted to get groceries today?" 
The cost for that will be:

12) Muscles knotting
11) Joints crying
10) Bones a creaking
9) Back a bending
8) Feet a twisting
7) Skin a crawling
6) Ears a popping
5) Spinal crunches
4) Toes mangled
3) Shoulder shocked
2) Hands unyielding
and a Millstone To Carry In Your Legs

(So how bad did we want to eat this week?)
....And yet, it happens all the time. 
Yeah, well, forget the laundry. 
And the dishes. 
And the garden. 
Sleeping becomes a game of tag. 
My joints just love that one. 
"Tag left shoulder - you're it!" 
"No way, I got you first!" - right knee
"Ha! Fooled you, I was here before you!" - both legs
"You all are going down!" - entire hand and wrists
...head, shoulders, knees and toes...

(That's enough. I don't like this game. Can I just be done?) - my brain.

I don't feel any better after complaining - I am just stating the way it is.
Some days I want to be better,  
other days it is just an accomplishment to breathe.

As always, my strength comes from a higher power than myself. 

It's a constant battle, and I can't do this on my own. 

This is one of my "go to" verses today:   

"Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am faint; 
O Lord, heal me, for my bones are in agony. 
My soul is in anguish. How long, O Lord, how long?"        - Psalm 6:2-4

↝ Stories from the journey of my life ↜ written by: Sue Leerhoff 
↝  follow me on my Facebook page ↜ - Brick by Brick


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