ChAoS fOr ChRiStMaS

When cHaOs AiMs To ReIgN sUpReMe

CaNnOns FiRiNg FrOm A trampoline 

Visions BlUrRy in My hEad

AfflicTiOns dripping Down in red

NO escape, No way Out to find

When darkness overtakes the mind

Until, and only when it's time

Does reason and peace come back to mind


The only sure and true way to be free

To escape what is haunting me - 

Cry out to God

He is right there

all it takes is a simple, tiny prayer -




And He is Right There, Right Here, Right Now 


Peace comes in and takes a seat

Jesus is near, within your heartbeat


He is simply waiting for your call

Jesus saves, rescues, restores

He cares for ALL


He knows just what you need the most

He will be there,

He is very close 

NOTHING MAKES SENSE in this broken world,

But He takes DIRT

and turns it into PEARLS.

I don't know where you are right now

If you are like me, life has broken you down

The only thing, the only One 

Who is always there 

is God's own Son.

He left His home, His throne,

To be with us;

The Prince of Peace, the baby Jesus.

It's SO MUCH more than just a bedside tale,

He takes the sick and makes them well.

Not always like you or I can see, 

But ALWAYS heals just what we need.

Making sense of the broken, picking up the pieces Brick by Brick

Written by: Sue Leerhoff,  

Christmas 2020


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