What's That Smell?

You have had a long week. The boss has been especially irritable, clients have been overly demanding, coworkers uneasy and nothing seems to be going well. To top it off, the family schedule is so crammed this week that the only time they speak to each other is to get to the next thing. Whew! It's finally Friday night! Time for a nice evening at home. Pop some corn, put in a movie... 
"Oh, forgot something to drink. Let's see what we have already chilled?" 
You open up the fridge and... 
"Auuuugh! What is that awful smell? Kids! Have you left another science experiment in here?"
Slowly you realize no one is going to answer your questions. They are all out for the night. So it's up to you to search for the offensive odor and it's host. 
You sigh and begin the treacherous process of cleaning out the refrigerator, looking for what is causing the stench. Digging through the layers of last night's casserole, the fresh vegetables from the farmers market, Fluffy's catfood, Johnny's lunch (I knew I packed it today), and finally way in the back corner of the bottom shelf, you find the culprit! The small bowl of bean dip from the party, uh.... Three weeks ago!! Ugh, no wonder! How did we not smell this earlier? It got lost back there and grew a colony of greens. (Shudder)

(The story you have just read is taken from real events. The facts may have been altered to protect the innocent.) 

Don't tell me this has never happened to you! :)

The next scenario takes us to the shopping mall. You and your friends are going out for the day. (you know, after that last weekend, you need a day off) 
It has been a long time since you have been together with the girls. Everyone is excited to see each other again. Talking, laughing and eating at your favorite restaurant; when suddenly you all stop. 

Simultaneously you search for the absolutely delicious scent wafting through the aisle. It isn't a lasagna, or baked chicken, it's not even a food. It does not belong on a plate. You realize that a lovely young couple just walked by and the perfume that the lady is wearing is almost felt as a reassuring hug. Usually when you smell something over the top of anything else, it is overwhelming and almost sickening. But every once in a while, someone has a perfume that just makes you smile. Your best friend is the brave one, who rushes over to their table and just has to ask what is the name of the perfume!

In these two stories, I am helping you to recall a scent - either repulsive or refreshing. Did you know that we all have a "scent"? I'm not talking about body odor here. 
But I mean a sort of feeling that people get when you are around. If you are loud, brash, and downright mean to others - I think that would be repulsive, sort of a stench. If you are one of those people who don't want to get involved, then you just blend in to the background. But if you want to be a good part of someone's day, making every effort to help when you can - you can leave a fragrance of God's goodness in other people's lives.

I am praying that each one of you readers will be able to spread the beautiful scent of goodness in your world as you go about your day. Every day, put on the goodness of God by reading His good book. Take time to process what you read, praying that He will help you find what it means to be a fragrance to the world.

Written by: Sue Leerhoff


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