OUT of Egypt

How many times have you read the Christmas story and because it is such a familiar scenario that you mentally skip over the vast importance of understanding the role of Joseph? A couple of years ago, I explored the story of Mary and how much I can relate to her since the death of our son Nathanael. How she was given the immense task of carrying the Savior of the world, and came to love Him as He grew, only to see Him suffer and die. Yes, she also saw Him rise again. But that doesn't take away the pain and agony beforehand. Yet she had HOPE. And I carry that Hope every day, grasping tightly as if my life depends upon it. Because it really does. There are so many stories and songs about Mary, as if she was the only person taking care of the Son of God. Here we see a family, not just a young maiden who took on the responsibility for the little Lord Jesus. But even the Bible doesn't focus much on the stepfather and his role throughout the life...