OUT of Egypt

How many times have you read the Christmas story and because it is such a familiar scenario that you mentally skip over the vast importance of understanding the role of Joseph? 

A couple of years ago, I explored the story of Mary and how much I can relate to her since the death of our son Nathanael. How she was given the immense task of carrying the Savior of the world,  and came to love Him as He grew, only to see Him suffer and die. Yes, she also saw Him rise again. But that doesn't take away the pain and agony beforehand. 

Yet she had HOPE. And I carry that Hope every day, grasping tightly as if my life depends upon it. Because it really does. 

There are so many stories and songs about Mary, as if she was the only person taking care of the Son of God.  Here we see a family,  not just a young maiden who took on the responsibility for the little Lord Jesus. But even the Bible doesn't focus much on the stepfather and his role throughout the life of Jesus. He seems to just disappear into the background as a side character. 

Unless you are paying close attention to the first few weeks of baby Jesus's days on the earth. 

Mary had learned that she was to become a mother. 
To the Son of God, no less.
How is she going to explain this to her boyfriend? 
She wasn't unfaithful. 
She only had eyes for Joseph, the possibly much older kindhearted man of her dreams. The carpenter, the loner, the man her family most likely thought that she was wasting her time on. (These characteristics are not written into the scriptures, but legends throughout history) 
It isn't until she has told Joseph about the news of her pregnancy that his integrity shines for all of humanity to see.
He loves Mary so much that he would rather never
have her as his bride than to subject her to the courts of the law. For to announce her infidelity was to sentence her to death. 

Until God steps in.
The angel was sent to Joseph in a dream to tell him that the Babe of Mary wasn't just any baby ~ He was the Messiah. 
"Do not fear to take Mary as your bride, for she is carrying the Child born of God. "
Joseph was afraid. Full of anxiety. Distraught, filled with distrust.
Wouldn't you be?
He thought this was only a personal problem. 
Can you imagine the sleepless nights? 
He had no idea how big this news was to Mary and the entire world. 
Until God stepped in and changed everything. 
God spoke and Joseph listened. 
He got up and ran to Mary, elated and full of anticipation! He told her how the angel explained her situation and how he now believes that it really is true! They are to become proud parents of the Redeemer of Israel and the world! 

When God steps in, it changes things.
It may not always look like the best way about it,  but He sees so much more than we can. He sees the whole picture. 
We have to let go of what we thought it should look like and let Him take us through the valleys and He will get us there. 

Now the story of Joseph isn't done yet. 
We see him traveling to Bethlehem and searching for shelter when Mary is still carrying the Babe. We see him gently and lovingly help Mary through the process of having a child, without the help of doctors, or midwives, not even a clean bed! Surrounded by smells and sounds of livestock, the little Christchild entered our world. 
We see Joseph proudly presenting the Son of God to a band of shepherds. These are things Mary kept near and dear to her heart.
Perhaps Joseph understood the significance of sheep herders being the first ones to bow down to worship the King. 
The final sacrifice,  the Lamb of God. 

But once again, we see the job of Joseph as protector, as provider of this new, little family. Time has passed, and the wise men from the East have traveled far and long, searching for the One who has been promised. They were almost there, but needed help locating the little Babe, the King of the world. So, they made a stop at the local kingdom and inquired as to how to find the new Royalty. 
This king was not too pleased, he didn't want anyone else to take over his throne. He was so arrogant as to think that he could stop what was beyond his control! He abused his kingly powers to destroy every single, young male child just to make sure that they weren't the next king. Yikes!
So here we enter Joseph and his anxieties once again. 
He has learned of the plot to kill all newborns and children and it is up to him to keep the Child of God safe, but how?

The angel once more speaks to Joseph,  "Do not fear, take Mary and the Babe to Egypt until Herod is gone. He will spend the rest of his life trying to destroy my Son. For the prophecy says 'out of Egypt', I will call my Son." 

The place of suffering and anguish, 
heartache and hard work for the people of Israel. 
Egypt is a metaphor in my life and yours.
What has God been calling you out of, to rescue you?

God gives each one of us a place to escape the dangers of the enemy who seeks to destroy us. It may be a daily thing for you,  
or maybe it sneaks up on you during certain times, 
but be sure of one thing : the enemy seeks only to kill and destroy the children of God. 
We must put our trust in the heavenly Father to take us through the desert and safely across the other side. 

Joseph fulfilled his purpose on earth, and he didn't get much credit for all he did, we don't even know what happened to him. 
But God saw all of his pure love and trust, and faith was credited to him as righteousness. 

Will we have the faith of Joseph and follow wherever God leads us, even through Egypt? 
May this encourage you today and tomorrow and someday we will see the blessings of trust in the unknown and the unseen. 
For in your heart dwells the Son of God. 
Even through Egypt
Following the Star of Bethlehem from the cradle to the cross
Written by: Sue Leerhoff 


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