The Woman at the Well

Do you remember Sunday School stories?
Which one is your favorite?
I can remember enjoying them all, but some were much more memorable than others.
Perhaps because I could relate to the characters,  or maybe I didn't get how such a miracle could actually happen, I'm not sure. Regardless, some stories just stick with me, and maybe God was preparing me for what was ahead, knowing how much I would need those stories later.
My current way of hearing those beloved stories retold anew, is the TV series called The Chosen.
I really love how the writer expands on the characters,  and gives them each a real and powerful personality that help the verses stand out. 
Sometimes the storyline is so compelling that it gets you to understand more than you ever did way back in the tiny rooms full of antsy children, excited faces full of frosting and smears of kool-aid mustaches. I wonder if my teachers thought we might never settle down, or even remember anything about the lessons! 
( I know from experience,  that's what I was thinking as a Sunday School teacher much later!)

As far as storytelling goes; I was hooked on the series, 
when  I saw the Miracle Of Mary Magdelene healed from the evil spirits. I felt as if Jesus could come right down and touch my soul, relieving me of my struggles with mental health. 
But the story continues, and there's a line that asks why one of the disciples isn't healed of his infirmity. The choice isn't always within our grasp, but that doesn't take away the part where we put our trust in Him, even when He doesn't fix everything. 

My story today takes us to the famous Jacob's well in Samaria. The woman at the well. Jesus knew she was going to be there that day. So he sets up "the schedule" for him to be right where she needed it. He sent the disciples further ahead, to get food and supplies for their journey,  while he sat and waited for the Samaritan woman, in the middle of the dry, sandy desert. 
She wouldn't come in the cool part of the day, because social circles wouldn't allow such people to mingle, and tongues tend to waggle far too often. 
When she arrives, hot and miserable, a long journey out of town, up the hill she sees a man sitting by the well. Already, her guard is up, not wanting to find anyone there, much less a man. Not only that, as she climbed to the edge of the well, she also realized he was not a Samaritan. How much worse could her day become? 

Then, he has the gall to speak to her. Then, he asks for her to give him a drink from her pitcher of water! 
She bitterly replies, wishing he would leave her alone. 
But she realized something different from other people,  this Man wasn't afraid of her "defiled" jug or the shame of speaking to a Samaritan, it didn't even seem like he was talking down to her. So, she also replied, explaining why she had to come alone, in the worst part of the day.
It seemed as if he would actually care about her answer, but just as quickly, the protective shell closed up around her heart and she almost walked away from a miracle! 

It wasn't until Jesus pointed out her wrongful ways, telling her things about her life that no stranger could ever know, and explaining to her how those things came from a broken place that absolutely no human beings could find; that her eyes were opened to the Truth standing right in front of her! 
This man called Jesus truly was the Messiah! 
He was finally here to show people the way to be free of all that drags us down and tries to drown us in the mire.
He came to seek and to save those that are lost. 
His heart is heavy, 
thinking of all that we put ourselves through unnecessarily and intentionally. 
His love is deep, much deeper than Jacob's well. 
His forgiveness is refreshing, much better than a cool cup of water! 
His promises are forever, so much more solid than the bricks we choose to build around our brokenness. 

The woman at the well was changed that day!
She saw Jesus Christ and she was never the same. Yes, she still had to live with whatever consequences of her choices previously,  but the way out was clear. 
She put her trust in Him and didn't look back.
She ran home and told everyone she could, 
how Jesus changed her life. 

And that is all that Jesus wants from us.
We need to drop everything, 
and run to Him.
His love covers a multitude of sins.
His ways are perfect.
He looks for us, waiting by the side for us to come near, then offers a new way of doing things. 
The well never runs dry, it is filled with acceptance, love, mercy and forgiveness! 
Once forgiven, we are seen by Him as perfect, even in this imperfect world. 
Life is still messy, hearts will still break, but God has us in His hands and will not let us go through anything alone.
He knows what we need most, even if all we ever see is a change in our hearts.

My prayer for you today is that you will accept Christ's forgiveness and take Him with you wherever you go. 
He is always right beside you, you are never alone!
His love is deep, His love is wide.
Kneeling at His cross is where healing begins.

Story adapted from the book of 
John chapter 4, verses 4-42
Also the TV series The Chosen 
Building your faith along with mine @Brick by Brick
Written by: Sue Leerhoff 


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