What's My Line?

You may remember the 1950's TV program
"What's My Line?"

The game show that featured celebrities wearing a blind-fold,
while they questioned a contestant to guess what "line " of work they were in.

Or perhaps you have heard of the 90's show - "Buffy" ?
The popular show for teens, where the heroine of the story
is given the task of protecting her town from the evil that lurks within the shadows of the night.
One of the episodes is named after the game show, 
because Buffy loses her identity, 
and her sense of purpose, when another protector comes to replace her.
She feels unneeded and betrayed, and all manner of trouble erupts all around the city.
In the end, the girl they sent for a back-up realizes that this is Buffy's town,
and that she was meant for this job because that's just who Buffy is.
So Kendra chooses to bow out and find another place to serve and protect,
leaving Buffy to resume her role as she was born to become.

(I am going to add a disclaimer right here: I have purposely left the description of this show vague, for those that may not wish to hear the full story. Yes, I watched the show with my kids at times.
There is value in the most unlikely of subjects, when you look at things from the side of redemption, and struggles from within, 
and where good ultimately triumphs.) 

Most likely, after the death of your child, or someone else very close to you,
the aftermath of any tragedy leaves you blind-sided 
and nothing seems to make sense anymore.
Your emotions are all over the place, and you lose your identity and sense of purpose.
"I don't even know who I am anymore, or who I am supposed to become," 
you think to yourself, 
or even ask others the same question.

You might feel as if you are an actor in a nightmare,
you don't know what do or what to say.
You wonder - "What's My Line?"

I know I have been struggling with that very difficult question,
for so many different reasons -

'round and 'round it goes in my head,
until it takes over and tries to run my whole existence.
It seems to take me deeper and deeper into despair,
because I have lost sight of the reason we are all here.
I know I have been forgiven, I know Jesus died in my place.
I know we will be together again someday.
But my son is there already, and I am not.
For me to live in honor of my son,
I need to live to honor The Son.

The Newsboys have been an awesome source of inspiration for me,
their songs aren't just fun to listen to for the high energy,
the lyrics are so much deeper than most people realize.
To me, when a band has music that perks up your ear first,
and then the lyrics rekindle your spirit from within,
it helps me to remember what I forgot.

Newsboys Lyrics

"Lost The Plot"
When I saw you for the first time
You were hanging with a thief
And I knew my hands were dirty,
And I dropped my gaze.
Then you said I was forgiven
And you welcomed me with laughter.

 When you come back again
Would you bring me something from the fridge?
Heard a rumour that the end is near
But I just got comfortable here.
Let's be blunt.
I'm a little distracted.
What do you want?

Headaches and bad faith
Are all that I've got.
First I misplaced the ending
Then I lost the plot.

 - Newsboys Album "Take Me to Your Leader"

Whenever I have forgotten "What's My Line?" 
I must remember to look at the Director,
and watch His cue for the next thing that I should do.

For me to live in honor of my son,
I need to live to honor The Son. 
That's my line, don't forget the plot.

                                                     Stories from the journey of my life 
                                                                 By: Sue Leerhoff
                                     Look for more inspiration on my Facebook page 
                                                                 - Brick by Brick


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