Watch Your Step!
Have you ever been on a hike, looking all around, at the sky, the flora and fauna, maybe even getting a glimpse of a few animals - when suddenly one of your group stumbles into a hole?
Hopefully, they don't come home with a broken leg or ankle.
No one had seen the hole ahead of them.
It had been there the entire time, but they were busy paying attention to other things.
Those other things aren't bad.
However, we forgot to keep our eyes open.
Some days it may just be a little inconvenience - like when you step in the doggie's doodoo.
(Or any other animals on the farm.) Ick. That's what boots are for!
A soldier has to always be aware of the ground.
Landmines could be anywhere.
Whether it is a soldier in enemy territory, or a clean up crew after a storm,
We must always be mindful of our surroundings.
Some days, it could be we linger too long at the gravesite, and it overwhelms our heart.
Other times, it might be a gathering of the old gang and the empty hole is much too deep.
Perhaps all it takes is walking by the empty room, and a whiff of that familiar scent is a trigger.
For some, the pain of childhood memories are a broken record that won't stop playing.
Yet others, don't even realize the past is shaping their future,
and have become the very thing they hate.
There are many, many ways we can fall into the holes of tragedy.
If we have been through a major disaster, loss or crisis, bad relationship or bad habits, or health issues of any kind - we should know there are things we need to avoid to remain safe and sane.
Sometimes we do know and keep falling right back in that old hole again.
Some days are harder than others, and we may slip in a weak moment.
It can be easy to get blind-sided and take a turn for the worse.
Those are the days we need to have someone go ahead of us to be our scout.
"Watch out! The next one's a doozy!"
In grief or in pain, in mental or physical problems, we need to have a plan.
What will we do when the next troublesome hole shows up?
How are we going to be prepared for landmines?
We already have a guide and guidebook to show the way.
John 14:6 tells us - Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me."
If we use our resources, the journey goes a lot smoother.
Romans 8:26 encourages us that we don't have to "use just the right words."
He knows what we mean in the depth of our soul.
"And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness.
For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for.
But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words."
All He needs is the tiniest bit of faith (in His strength, not ours) - even as small as the last remaining ember of a once great bonfire.
When we trust the heavenly Father to keep our eyes open, He will show us the path just far enough ahead so that we don't fall into that hole again. And again.... And again....
But you can trust, that if you do fall into that same ol' messy pile again -
He will be right there waiting to pick you up, dust you off and wrap you in His loving arms.
His mercy never ends. His love is everlasting. His promises are eternal.
That mess you are in, or can't seem to scrape off your boots, or trouble feels like it follows you where ever you go - be assured you are in enemy territory, but you have your weapons at your disposal.
If the written Word of God was good enough for Jesus to deflect the enemy's direct fire,
and prayer is a powerful enough weapon to protect the God/man/Savior while He was praying in the desert all alone for 40 days - then we need to take notice and wield those tools in our own lives.
We aren't possums which can "play dead" and the predator will leave us alone.
He knows our weaknesses and will wait as long as it takes for the lowest point of your strength,
catch you off guard and try to knock you down.
He wants you out of the center ring.
He is looking for absolute KO's.

Never give up. Never, never give up.
Keep fighting the fight.
Keep looking until you can find someone to help you on this journey, to help you watch your step.
Some of us may just need a little more time than others, to get back on our feet.
Some of us may need more than just a friend or two by your side.
It's ok not to be ok.
It's not a sign of weakness to ask for help.
It's not defeat to get doctors, counselors, and medication to help return the balance of your health.
It is not a lack of faith, or failure to trust God's promises.
We are a soul and a body, they both need input and self-care.
My challenge for you today -
Take care of your self,
watch out for those potholes,
don't be afraid to ask for help,
love God and others.
More stories from the journey of life
by: Sue Leerhoff
Brick by Brick
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