Winter Winds
Winter winds
are howling, deep within my soul
Leaves upon
the ground
Oh, so cold
...Little tykes rejoicing

...Little tykes rejoicing
Pumpkins all
Mama's feet are aching
Costumes to
be found...
Winter winds
are howling
Deep within
my soul
Memories are
oh so cold
Winter winds are howling
Leaves raked up in piles
Winter winds are howling
growing thin
Holidays are
Leaves raked up in piles
Bonfires to
be lit
Done without
the smiles
Painting all the while ...
When colors
left me breathless
And hayrides
gave the giggles
The crowds were
left with smiles...
But winter
winds are howling
The gift I carry daily
But my grief is just a different
Everywhere I
Nothing is
the same
The colors
dull as coal
Winter winds
are howling
Deep within
my soul
Will it ever be the same
The darkened shadows sigh
It’s been awhile now
Too long, for some, they think
But this is not their path
When winter winds come howling
I feel it in my soul
Will it ever be the same
You ask?
The darkened shadows sigh
The cold and
steely sky
lightly in my ear -
Do you see
that faint, mere flicker
Right where
the horizon lies?
Keep your
eyes on the smallest glimmer
It’s been awhile now
Too long, for some, they think
But this is not their path
When winter winds come howling
I feel it in my soul
The gift I carry daily
Is mine
alone to bear
I hear the
crowds a whisper
Come now,
have a chair
If only they
could feel it
But my grief is just a different
Shape of
love you see
The days we
spent as family
Are kept
inside of me
I keep him close
within my heart
I feel it in
my soul
When winter
winds come howling
Holding on to
Hope is my only goal
So we prepare the land for snow
So we prepare the land for snow
The flowers
almost done
We eat the
last fresh vegetables
The apples
almost gone
The winter wind is howling
It’s almost on its way
The wait is one less day
When Winter Winds Come Howling
I Know Who Holds My Soul
We live a little
Now that our
son is gone
The winter wind is howling
It’s almost on its way
But inside
my heart I’m smiling
The wait is one less day
When Winter Winds Come Howling
I Know Who Holds My Soul

In Loving memory of our son, Nathanael
It has been three long years without you
We all miss you so
October 2018
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