Peter Pan

I don't know about any of you - but sometimes life feels like a movie scene. 

The one where you are grabbing for the swinging ladder and as you finally grasp the rungs... struggling to climb on... all of them give way and you go tumbling into space......  

So this blog is not from Tinkerbell's point of view, 
Not just a sprinkle of fairy dust and Happy Thoughts. 

It's more like from a blind beggar wanting to show another blind beggar where to find bread. 

 ↝ Stories from the journey of my life 
↜ written by: Sue Leerhoff 
↝ follow me on my Facebook page ↜ - Brick by Brick


  1. This is still true, even after everything we have been through. Life is never easy, and everyone needs someone. Someone who has been there before. I am only human, but God gave us each other to be God with skin. I hope you, dear reader, can find some bit of comfort in our travels on this journey.


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