Broken Pieces

Life has never been the pretty little postcard that everyone gets at Christmas time. We all are careful to only let the world see our best moments. Why are we so ashamed to show the wounds that make us limp? As parents, we are quick to see the real reason little Johnny is cranky. Because we know he hasn't had lunch, and it's waaaay past nap time. Any loving parent would ensure as soon as possible, that you get the mac'n cheese safely to the table and in Johnny's little tummy, so he can fall asleep in his bed and not in the ketchup. (even in our best attempts, things happen) Or if the car has a grinding sound every time you turn corners, you know enough to get the mechanic to fix that wheel bearing. (or something) So when we have pieces of life that just won't stop grinding our gears, we usually, eventually, find out how to remedy the pain. There are many ways to remedy life's hard knocks, not all of which are good in the long run. But therapy, whethe...