
It feels good to be chosen. Important. Loved. Welcome.

On the other hand, it doesn't feel so great to be looked over, ignored, mistreated, or outright told to go away.

This is not one of those places. You are welcome here!

Pull up a chair and join me for a cup of chosen.

When most people start talking about their scars, it makes others nervous. Fidgeting, or quickly changing the subject to avoid any transfer of pain, I suppose. Somehow, they feel it could be contagious, a place to be avoided or cleansed from when leaving.
Like the Joker, in The Dark Knight, he asks - "You look nervous. Is it the scars? You want to know how I got ’em?" 

Nobody really wants to know. The truth is too awful sometimes.

I can see you squirming in your chair - "Where's she going with this?"

Those who ask the questions we don't want to answer today, usually are the kind who just "need to know everything" and it wouldn't be helpful to explain anyway.

Let me ask a question here - would it change anything if you knew all the answers?

So we shall just go on the presumption that we all have scars, and it doesn't matter how you came about those painful places that may or may not be visible.

But what do we do with all our scars? They are ugly and tender.

Remember how I invited you to sit with me awhile, because you were chosen?
Chosen to share our scars together. Chosen to brighten your day, even if just a little. Chosen to be a salve for your soul, easing the torment a little at a time.

Why? What can a little blog by an unknown (or known) person do for my burden? You carry your dark bag of heartache every where you go, so do I. How would that change?

It can change, because I know Who chose His scars to heal ours. 

Healing means it won't get infected anymore. It won't carry the threat of gangrene. It will still ache as all deep wounds do from time to time. But it will be softer, a companion that whispers instead of screams. He will help us bear that load on this journey we all must travel.

The Savior of the world chose His scars to heal our broken hearts.

Let me share a song with you that speaks to me. It has been a favorite ever since the 90's. Like fine wine, some things age well with time and become even sweeter.

 Scars - from the album Honor and Glory by: Ray Boltz

I heard Him call my name
He said I've come to save you
But I was so ashamed
I turned to walk away
But He reached out His hand
He said I have something to show you
And what I saw changed my life that day

I saw His scars
No He didn't try to hide them
He said come and look inside them
They're a window to my heart
Don't forget I love you
Just the way you are
I knew it must be true
I saw His scars

I said Lord my scars are deep
I don't want You to see them
So many of them were caused
By things I chose to do
He said look again
At the ones that I am wearing
Don't you know I chose these scars, too

I saw His scars
No He didn't try to hide them
He said come and look inside them
They're a window to my heart
Don't forget I love you
Just the way you are
I knew it must be true
I saw His scars

One day in Heaven
When we are on our knees
We'll look up to Jesus
And I believe we'll see

We'll see His scars
No He will not try to hide them
He'll say come and look inside them
They're a window to my heart
Don't forget I love you
Just the way you are
We'll know that it's true
We'll see His scars

We'll see His scars
No He will not try to hide them
He'll say come and look inside them
They're a window to my heart
Don't forget I love you
Just the way you are
And we'll know that it's true
Because He died for me and you
We'll know that it's true
We'll see His scars

Stories taken from the journey of my life by: Sue Leerhoff  Brick by Brick


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