Broken Pieces

Life has never been the pretty little postcard that everyone gets at Christmas time. We all are careful to only let the world see our best moments. Why are we so ashamed to show the wounds that make us limp?

As parents, we are quick to see the real reason little Johnny is cranky. Because we know he hasn't had lunch, and it's waaaay past nap time. Any loving parent would ensure as soon as possible, that you get the mac'n cheese safely to the table and in Johnny's little tummy, so he can fall asleep in his bed and not in the ketchup. (even in our best attempts, things happen)

Or if the car has a grinding sound every time you turn corners, you know enough to get the mechanic to fix that wheel bearing. (or something)

So when we have pieces of life that just won't stop grinding our gears, we usually, eventually, find out how to remedy the pain.

There are many ways to remedy life's hard knocks, not all of which are good in the long run.

But therapy, whether in a group setting or with a counselor, can do wonders to help us find our way back to the light. It isn't a cure-all, by any means. We still must do all the legwork ourselves, and keep at it for the rest of our lives. But it is a step in the right direction.

So, in my search for notes I have had for years, I found what I have been looking for. I wrote a poem that is so fitting for even now. It is the poem I thought about the day I smashed my pottery on the sidewalk, wondering how there could ever be anything restored, ever again.

                                     Broken Pieces

Come Lord Jesus, take a look at my hand
Overflowing with ... shattered pieces
It's so much more than I can stand

So many days it all fills my head
...invading, permeating...
Patches of black, smudges of red
Tainted with green and yellow, too
I beg of you Jesus, what can I do?

So many hopes faded away
So much lost without a trace
So many battles from day to day
So much that yet I must face 

Jesus says - Come, take a look at my hand
Overflowing with endless love...
There's more for you to understand
I left the green, yellow and red
...Enticing, so inviting...
The patches of black are gone instead 

Swept away, when I died for you
It's your choice, what will you do?
Remember I said - "I will be with you"
I Am all that you need to make it through

When there's so much to face
I will give you a song
When it hurts to embrace
You'll know it's not wrong
When you're feeling weak
My shoulder's to lean on
When your heart wants to break
I will make you strong

I Am your refuge, where you belong

Dear precious one,
Take a look at your hand
Overflowing with ...glittering jewels
Redeemed, Restored as I have planned 
 written by: Sue Leerhoff circa 2003

Sue Leerhoff  Brick by Brick


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