My Enlarged Heart

"An enlarged heart (cardiomegaly) isn't a disease, but rather a sign of another condition."  As Mayo Clinic patient care explains:  "Certain conditions may cause the heart muscle to thicken or one of the chambers of the heart to dilate, making the heart larger. Depending on the condition, an enlarged heart may be temporary or permanent."

Having multiple family members with various heart disease, makes me susceptible to my own heart health issues. I also have lost family to heart problems. Understandably, then, I was alert to the possibility of my own difficulties. Wearing a heart monitor at my brother's funeral, I was quickly shuffled through the hoops of many tests. So far, I am "only" on the high risk list, which means to keep the blood pressure and cholesterol levels clean.

So the good news is - I don't have an enlarged heart.

But - I have a permanently enlarged HEART.

Expanded, kind of like the Grinch?

Am I saying I am, or was a grump? Nope. (p.s. I love Christmas, btw)
I mean the e-x-p-a-n-d-e-d heart of a mother.

If you have ever fallen in love, you may understand what I mean. You think you love that guy (or, your girl) so much at first! But, the longer you know them, the more you find how much there is to love.

Then you have a child. Oh  - how your heart bursts with new love, you can't explain it! How does a person fall in love with a little human they just met? Yet, you do. Oh my, how you love that tiny babe.

Before too long, another little munchkin shows up at the door of your heart. Is there room for another? Of course there is! Just add another spot right there in the middle.

Maybe, even baby number three rolls in. What? How can this be? We thought we loved so big, so hard, so much already. But there is that big heart again - stretching beyond it's limits!

I could go on about how you grow to love each child in their own special ways, and how you and your sweetheart love every day that they bring a new source of joy to your life, and you love them even more than ever, more than the day you first looked into those beautiful baby blues. (But you knew that already)

By now, your heart, and mine, is so much bigger than it ever has been, and as we grow older, the love keeps growing.

Then the day, we laid our son to rest, we found our hearts broken beyond belief. But in the silence of all we face, if you listen closely, you can hear the slightest change in the timbre, in the thickness of the walls, in the strength of the scars - our hearts are so much bigger than ever before.

Our hearts are as big as the heavens, for that is where our treasure waits.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love."                                      - Jeremiah 31:3

↝ Stories from the journey of my life ↜ written by: Sue Leerhoff ↝  follow me on my Facebook page ↜ - Brick by Brick 


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