Dis - connect - ed

I remember when I finally got my first smart phone. I was so excited! Now I didn't have to be attached to the home computer for current info. I could check weather at any given moment, use the GPS in my car, check email, oh so many possibilities. The best part was I needed a touchscreen instead of tiny buttons which my aching arthritic hands couldn't navigate. (and sometimes my hands can't find their way around a touchscreen either, but that's another story)  - Stop laughing! Who am I kidding? I'm laughing.

But anyhoo, I was so excited to open the package and plug that pretty little thing in, to be able to use it soon. But something was wrong, it only charged if I held the cord a certain way. I didn't realize it at first, until it had been hours without any charge. I thought my phone was to blame. Greaaaat...

So I looked in our spare cord box.

Please tell me I'm not the only one with a spare cord box? 

Ba-da-bing-ba-da-boom! Whaddaya know?

There's a cord that matches AND turns my phone on!

The phone was perfectly fine. But it was disconnected even though I had it plugged in for hours.

By all accounts it should have worked, a brand new phone and brand new cord, plugged in to a properly working electrical outlet.

So, too, should our friend connection be functional when we need a recharge. We can't expect one person to be there every single moment. Even our spouse needs a break once in a while! We must have a working file (a spare cord box?!) of those who we can rely on when our battery is low. That's what friends are for, to be there for each other, to laugh when we are happy and love through the hard times. When we are connected we can take turns being an ally in the battles we face. When we are kindred spirits, the road is easier to navigate, and a lot more fun.

And if a man prevail against him that is alone, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.    - Ecclesiastes 4:12
 Who is in your cord of three strands? 

Like the old Blues Brothers song goes - "Everybody needs somebody to love."

By: Sue Leerhoff  Brick by Brick


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