Sticks and Stones May Break My Heart

Many of you may have grown up with the well known taunt meant to throw your tormentors off guard : "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." "Nyyaahh!" The angry reply wasn't effective enough without a tongue aimed in their direction. Most of the time it was meant for my brother. The one I can not see anymore. The one who I have the most memories of growing up together. The one I hoped to be there for many years to come. The one who always remembered my birthday with a hand drawn card or keepsake beyond just a phone call. The brother who tormented little sister the most, became the one who understood me best. I still tell myself (in his voice) what he always said to me during the rough times - "Hang in there." Like my son Nathanael, my brother was a man of few words, and if you were blessed with a conversation, it was so very special. On days that I have trouble getting out ...