When Your Castles Crumble

 Many little girls dream of being a princess. The fairy tale lives inside of us. We can't help but hope our storybook will be as lovely as Cinderella's happy ending.

I was one of those little girls once. But I didn't like Cinderella's story, I didn't like how she was treated. The part about the Prince Charming taking me away on a white horse sounded pretty nice though.

When real life is encountered, it usually ends up looking quite a bit different than all those childhood dreams. Maybe for some of us, it doesn't even come close to your adult dreams. It might even feel like a living nightmare.

The life you had all planned out, seemed to have so many bumps in the road, that you can't find your way back. Or perhaps all your hard work finally paid off, and life was starting to make sense.

You had your castle built tall and strong. 

The moat surrounding your fortress was protecting your clan. 

The knights were bold and brave, the maidens were fair and steadfast, the dragons kept at bay. 

The king and queen of the castle loved their people deeply and did everything in their power to ensure the safety and prosperity of the land.

Whenever the castle was assaulted by enemy fire, the king's men stood their ground and defended the castle, time and time again.

But then, one terrible day, in one swift blow - your castle crumbled right before your eyes.

The entire garrison was in shambles. Not one man was left at their post.

Even the king himself couldn't protect his people.

The queen, who lovingly raised each and every one of her beloved, could never again hold them in her arms. 

A kiss on the forehead no longer carried the magic it once guarded so closely. 

Not one thing could make this tragedy disappear.
Not one mortal thing could make this out to be a happy ending.

Not in the king or queen's power, anyway.

This is not a fairy tale. 
There is a higher power than you or I. 

God in heaven, who ultimately rules every earthly kingdom. He will make things right in the end. For every knight and fair maiden of the land, those who fought bravely and in the King's name, every one of us who watched our castles crumble - He will have the final victory. Jesus, the King of all kings holds the keys to sin and death.

So when I look on my shattered dreams and broken heart, I must look higher. To the sky, waiting for the King of Kings to bring everyone of His people home where castles never crumble and my arms will once again hold all that I love dearly.

Until then, I remember the days when a kiss held magic, and my arms held dignity, because my heart is full of abundant treasure.

 "Story books are full of fairy tales
Of kings and queens and the bluest skies
My heart is torn just in knowing
You'll someday see the truth from lies

When the clouds will rage in
Storms will race in
But you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down
Waves will crash around
But you will be safe in my arms

Castles – they might crumble
Dreams may not come true
But you are never all alone
'Cause I will always,
Always love you"              

 - Plumb lyrics - In My Arms   Youtube lyric video

By: Sue Leerhoff  


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