Gold in the Rubble

One of the first things that we had to do after the death of our 24 year old son, Nathanael, was to search through our photo albums for the best pictures we could find of him and our family together.

We needed memorabilia and a photo collage for his funeral.

The best and worst part of that job was seeing how often we had taken pictures.
 I don't even remember doing it, but I can remember how full that canvas was, stuffed with so many beautiful, heart breaking memories.

                                 The Good

                                                             The Bad

                                                               And The Ugly

We had been through so much in those 24 perfect, unforgettable, wonderful, crazy, tender and tough, blessed short years.

And then we were left with rubble...
     (It will be three long years this October)
But after the smoke and dust and pain has settled to a quiet background buzz that will never end -

We can see the gold that we knew was there all along.
The beauty of a life well lived and love we have to cherish.
We can learn so much from our son, even when we as parents were the teachers, he was helping us see what others miss.

I think I can see gold - 

Ray Boltz Lyrics
"I Think I See Gold"

I see you struggling every day
You think, how long
Can I go on this way?
On and on
Again and again
Oh, when will it end?

You think, I just can't go on
Much longer
But inside, my friend
Your faith is growing stronger
You feel the fire burning
Deep in your soul
But I want you to know

I think I see gold
I think I see gold in the fire
Right there in the ashes
Is all you've desired
Oh, it's hard
As you press toward the goal
Don't give up
Don't give in
Don't stop now
I think I see gold

Until this moment
You've always believed
When life grew darkest
By faith you could see
Open your eyes
Look for the light
You see, you were right

These lonely hours
Like a fire refining
Something that's precious
Something that's shining
There in the darkness
Surrounded by coals
Is starting to glow

The double rainbow after the funeral of my best friend, a pastor's wife and mother of seven young children. 
My confidant, mentor, and cheerleader. 
That was in 1995. Today, they have one beautiful blended family and more grandchildren than I can count!
The story of how God gave the family new hope is an amazing ray of His mercy and grace.    

 I choose to see gold-

Another story of how a Christian singer and his family learned to see gold in the rubble after the death of little Maria.
I recommend reading Steven and Mary Beth's individual journeys through the valley of the shadow of death.
(Find them both on Amazon)

Finding gold in the stories of life
by: Sue Leerhoff
Brick by Brick


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