Let Freedom Ring

What comes to mind when you hear the word freedom?

Do you imagine a warrior yelling as he rushes the enemy?

Do you hear the Liberty Bell ringing?

Do you feel the adrenaline rising as the music swells?

Can you empathize with those who have been freed from slavery?

Is freedom just a word that carries no weight, no meaning?

Has freedom eluded you, keeping you bound by whatever holds you back from victory?

We can't all be as bold and valiant 
as William Wallace in Braveheart, 
leading an army to battle.

But perhaps we can, when we lead our own battle against the war within.

As God's children, we aren't promised to have a life lacking in problems.
In fact, Jesus tells us - “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33

That doesn't sound like freedom, you say?

Just as every one of you 
has a different image of the word freedom -
God has a different kind of freedom for each one of us.

When Jesus was on the earth, he healed some lame, some lepers, some deaf and blind.
He even forgave a few prostitutes along his way through the holy lands.
Did every single blind man see during the time Jesus walked those sandy shores?
Did all the tax collectors climb the trees to see if Jesus was coming to town?
Was the Sea of Galilee completely calm for 33 years?

The Maker of heaven and earth, 
does not work in the same ways 
in every situation.

If the giraffe looked like a snail, I think it would have a few problems 
with all that slime on his long, long legs.
If the flowers tried to bloom in the snow, well... we in the northern cold, know what happens to the crops when they freeze.

Our Heavenly Father knows us so much better than we know ourselves.
He knows what we need. 
And what we need to look to Him, for strength instead.

We may never be free from that awful memory of losing a child.
But we can pray that God frees our mind to not stay there.

We may never be free from the ache of a broken family.
But we can pray God heals the ache enough for us to live again.

We may never be free from the empty chair.
But we can pray and be thankful someone once shared that chair with us.

We may never be free from the pain of depression, anxiety, chronic illness and deformities.
But we can pray for the peace of God to carry us when we can't go on.

Even in our captivity, we can let God be the gatekeeper and He can set our heart free.

Forward! March!
Hear His loving heart cry out - 
Let Freedom Ring!


More stories from my journey
by: Sue Leerhoff
Brick by Brick


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