
Many years ago, when my husband's great grandfather lived here, there were so many boulders on the land that they used them for building foundations and walls. How they accomplished such a feat is beyond my comprehension.The rock fence that was once across the back of the property is buried deep underground now. They are not going anywhere. Except for a couple that were uncovered when we were having some work done. Those three rocks have been sitting in the meadow for several years, until we finally had enough horsepower to drag those enormous rocks to their destination - our front yard. The amount of power it took to move them was more than any one of us could have mustered up by ourselves. Through wind storms, blizzards, rain, or shine - those boulders are not moving. The only thing that can budge any of them has to be even more massive, more powerful, and dependable.
Steadfast, firm, stable, and secure.
When I was young, I enjoyed going on nature walks with my neighbor, Nellie. She taught me that
beauty was all around us, if we choose to see it.
Some things that we have learned as a young child
may stay with us for the rest of our lives, while other things may get lost in the everyday ordinary. Those things remain buried deep, but steadfast just the same.
When I read the Psalms, I am reminded that David knew the Source of beauty, the Creator of the foundation of the world, the Heart of strength. Even when David's world was careening out of control, when he was running for his life, and afraid of what could happen next - he still knew where to go for solace and restoration. He would cry out to God in anger one moment and soon after be singing praises of rejoicing. It may seem as if David was erratic and unpredictable, but it was only his circumstances that made it so. David's true source of strength was steadfast because our heavenly Father is Steadfast and True.
Whether in flood waters raging and fierce, or in drought lightly trickling onward,
streams of water flow ever steady, slowly carving the earth to it's path.
So, too, is our God ever steadfast, slowly teaching us to rely on His strength, security, and faithfulness. The moments we choose to behold His beauty, are the moments we are closest to heaven.
Those are the moments that we begin to understand the glory of God.
When I am overwhelmed, I need to remember where to look for security, peace of mind, and a hope for the future.
I must look to the Steadfast One who is faithful and true,
and all the other distractions that drag me down, will slowly disappear.
As a monument to beauty and strength, I have a daily reminder to look the the Rock that is higher than I.
Rebuilding Lessons from Life written by: Sue Leerhoff
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