Who Am I?

I am a mother. 
I am a wife. 
I am a daughter, a friend, an acquaintance, 
a neighbor, a stranger, a customer, a patient, a child of the King. 

I am many things. 
I am also NOT some things, however, I will not bore you with an extensive list. 
But there is one thing, in which there is no word to describe, who am I? 
I am not a widow or widower, I have not lost a spouse. 
I am not an orphan, I have not lost both of my parents. 
I am a grieving mother - there is no word to tell you, what that pain brings. 

This is a path I never wish anyone to walk with me. 
But, if you are on this path with me, come sit beside me for awhile, and perhaps we can lighten the load for each other, if only for a brief moment.

↝ Stories from the journey of my life ↜ written by: Sue Leerhoff ↝  follow me on my Facebook page ↜ - Brick by Brick


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