
The art of repairing broken pottery with gold or silver

I Am Nathanael's Legacy:

Legacy: anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.

Many people don’t like hand-me-downs. 
It makes them feel less than capable of providing needs.

I don’t like being handed down a legacy from my son. 
A parent shouldn’t have to bury their child. 

I feel less than capable of so many things now. It is hard to carry on.

In the first month, I was so angry I took my favorite pottery and slammed it against the sidewalk. 
Of course, it shattered to so many pieces that it couldn’t be repaired. 
I wanted to break more things, knowing that what I wanted unbroken, I could never have.

But the Master Potter was right there through it all, 
Patiently turning the potter’s wheel and holding us the entire time. 
He never took His hands away for one moment.

The Potter is taking my broken pieces and filling the holes with gold. 

His light shines so much brighter in the dark. 

My son, my Sunshine, my Nathanael may be gone from my sight. But carrying his legacy means shining in the dark. Taking hope to a weary place.

This is a story of my journey, and perhaps I will share my son’s story some day as well.

You are, and I am - Nathanael’s Legacy. Carry on. 

Stories from the journey of my life by: Sue Leerhoff 
from my facebook page intro:


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