Taking Advice from Kenny

 I like the old country music where they sang for pure enjoyment of relaxing in the shade after a hard day at work in the fields.

The songs that were fun just to listen to, and the ones that got stuck in your head and you weren't afraid of randomly singing them out loud.

If you know anything about the late '70s, you are probably familiar with Kenny Rogers' signature song whether you are a country music fan or not.

"You got to know when to hold 'em,
Know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away,
And know when to run."

-The Gambler by Kenny Rogers is a song that becomes an ear-worm even if you haven't heard that song in a coon's age! It holds a lot of good lessons within (pun intended) and can be applied just about anywhere in life.

When it comes right down to it, I need to put this song on repeat to help keep me grounded some times.

In fact, I really should put it on my list of songs to learn how to play.

I had never played a guitar before Nathanael entered the arms of Jesus.

My youngest son is a self-taught guitarist, and he learned to play songs from Nathanael's favorite soundtracks. Soothing Japanese music, perfect for clearing the senses, and stilling the silent screams.

I needed and enjoyed the peaceful, melancholy strains floating down from upstairs. It felt like a little bit of heaven wrapping us in peace and safety, where the world couldn't reach us.

Sometimes I would knock on the door and ask if I could sit silently beside him and listen. It mesmerized me so.

Eventually, Noah convinced me to learn to play guitar myself.

I liked using his electric guitar, it was easier to hold the strings. But since he doesn't live here now, I needed my own. So I went guitar shopping.

It wasn't long before I realized I had no business plunking down good money for a new one. I searched for used ones instead. The guitar shop pretty much laughed at my prize, when I requested new strings for the little guitar I proudly called my own. But at least they were kind enough to tell me that re-glueing wouldn't help the sound at all.

I don't mind the miniature replica of a "real instrument". It makes fine music just the way it is. All I need is a way to replay the songs floating around in my head. I will leave the concert playing to the professionals.

"Every gambler knows
That the secret to survivin'
Is knowin' what to throw away
And knowin' what to keep"   - The Gambler by: Kenny Rogers

To the well-trained musician, my guitar is little more than a child's toy.

But to me, it has been a lifeline.

A way to let my heart cry out along with the tears.

I wouldn't trade it for a bigger one, even if you gave it to me.

Thanks to Kenny Rogers and The Gambler, I can remember what's important to me even if no one else agrees.

Stories from the journey of my life by: Sue Leerhoff
Brick by Brick


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