F. E. A. R.

Sometimes fear doesn't come quietly. 
Sometimes it comes crashing in like a rabid animal. 
No rational thought to it.

Just the weight of angry sadness, caught in a corner. 

Fear, anxiety, grief, and anger.
They are all so debilitating.
You are probably familiar with the oft quoted definitions of fear:

You are possibly also familiar with the statement  -
"Fear Not appears 365 times in the Bible," 
when actually the phrase occurs about 100 times.
(Some people may be disillusioned finding out there actually isn't
an adorable "every day of the year reminder" not to be afraid.)

However, I am not disappointed,
because just like my son, Nathanael,
used to answer when I couldn't hear him the first time -
" I already said it once. Why should I have to repeat myself?"

 If Jesus said - "Fear Not" once, shouldn't that be good enough for us?

But I am human after all, and I for one, need a daily reminder!
That is why God's Word is necessary every day,
to use what we know, and apply it in such a way to retain the promises within. 

In our ladies' Bible study, we have used acronyms 
to help us remember what the lesson was for the week.                
Our hostess also works with children, and what they learn 
usually sticks with them much better this way.

F- Forgive: my yesterdays.   
E- Expect: good things from God always.                                        
A- Accept: His grace and mercy for today.                                      
R- Rest: in His care and promised joy forever.

Perhaps I will share it with my study group as well.
Mostly it is just a reminder that God has forgiven me, and I should too. 
There is nothing good about grief, or how I deal with it,
but ...
He is the best at taking broken things 
and turning them into gold.

One step at a time.
This is how I get rid of FEAR.
Even if it returns tomorrow.

Stories from my journey
by: Sue Leerhoff


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