It's Not Over

There are many catch phrases that come to mind, when I hear  "we're not done yet."

But the one I keep replaying in my head, comes from the words of Jesus
when He was preparing his disciples for the coming days.

He knew He was going to die.
He knew He was leaving them behind.
He knew they would be lost, angry, confused and scared.
He knew they would think it was all for naught.
He knew they wouldn't know what to do next, or what their life was going to look like now.
He knew they would think the good life was over. 

Even though they couldn't understand yet,
He began preparing them.
He told them many things, in story form, in parables.
He assured them He would give them peace,
not like the world sees peace - as a ceasefire - but true peace.
Down deep in the depths, unexplainable calm, peace.

The disciples would need that peace in the days to come.
Because it wasn't over.

They thought they had it all figured out!

They had a pretty nice gig going on.
They didn't carry much, so packing up and traveling day after day, didn't take very long.
Some places even had a bed and breakfast ready for them.
Everywhere they went, Jesus was the center stage.
They even learned how to pray and heal a few people, too.
If the food was scarce, no big deal.
Jesus had a way of gathering food for the entire crowd.
They didn't always understand how He did those things, but He was amazing!
This was the life.
Just us guys doing God's work as a team.
Yep, nice set-up we got here.

But for some reason, Jesus had been telling them all manner of things lately.
If we hear what we think He is saying, 
He almost sounds like He is trying to...
...trying to... leave us? 
No! That can't be right!
He can't leave now! We just got started!
There is so many places to go, 
people to see, 
lessons to learn, 
demons to chase out; 
we can't be done.  
This can't be over.
We can't go on without Him.

Jesus WAS preparing them.
He gave them everything they needed to know.
He gave EVERYTHING He had - to rid this world of evil forever.
When Jesus died on that cross, 
His blood was the covenant seal to a promisory note 
for all who accept his invitation to the event of a lifetime.

We aren't done yet. 
It's not over.

The disciples of Jesus weren't done yet either.
After Jesus' death and miraculous resurrection,
He appeared to His friends again to give them the reassurance of the next step in their journey.
He told those gathered that day, He would send the Comforter.
The Comforter is still at work today, here and now.
The third Godhead, whose job is to guide us on this path we tread.
(From our human point of view, a God, yet in three persons, is a bit of a test of faith.
But faith is useless if we don't believe in what we can't wrap our minds around.)

Just as the disciples had much work to do after Jesus left this world,
He sent His Spirit to be our very present help;
Those of us who have lost our dearly beloved family members much too soon,
We aren't done yet either.

When the funeral procession leaves, along with all of the friends and family,
We have a long road to travel.
It's not over.

It tears us to pieces being left without.
This can't be right. It really can't be over?
We still need comforters to walk beside us daily.
People who need people, like the song says.

Yes, The Comforter is here - but we are still trapped in this earthly body
and the Promise of a Lifetime hasn't been fulfilled yet.
It hurts daily. 
It torments nightly. 
It really, really sucks.
It is a pain that will not end until our last breath. 

But because we can see how Jesus walked on this earth for just a short time,
we must daily read His words to remind ourselves not to be surprised.
Jesus told us ahead of time, even before we were a part of this planet,
that we can have peace and that we will have trouble in this world.
How can peace and trouble exist at the same time?
They are allowed to ....
Because it's not over yet. 

How do I manage this pain-filled life?
I have to keep reminding myself that there's a brighter day coming.
I rest in the assurance that my son and our two little ones are safe, and waiting for that day also.
I have my promisory note to read and reread until then.
And photos, and memories to share with my family, friends and others like you who walk this path.
Take my hand, let's walk together.

Stories from the heart
by: Sue Leerhoff
Brick by Brick



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